Book back cover writing

See what other authors in your genre are doing with their back covers. But there are parts that you can write at any stage of the process. Indeed, it can help you focus if you write your blurb before you even start writing the book. The back cover texts can be divided into three main parts. The only resume and cover letter book youll ever need. This book is for survivors of college romance, divorce and the wine cooler era. How to create a back of the book cover blurb that sells. Its so tempting to think if everyone is doing x and i do y. You can use the author bio template provided in this post on creating a memorable author bio. Dec 08, 2017 how the back cover of your book can sell your book. This is a short, concise book that will quickly spell out the steps you need to take to write a solid, wellthought out cover letter. At the end of 20 i put out a package of diy book cover templates in microsoft word and revolutionized publishing with a howto guide to designing amazing book covers in an easy to use program youre already familiar with.

Put the bulleted list in the middle of the copy you write for your back cover. The blurb that appears on the back cover of your book, and on your amazon page, will either. Not to mention, once your book arrives, the back layout can color readers expectations as much as the front cover. The back cover copy you write for your book is among the most important marketing messages youll craft. Canvas free book cover maker is ridiculously easy to use even for the novice or notsotechsavvy writer. Focusing too much on a description of the book s content, rather than how the content will help, inform, or entertain the reader.

The sympathizer, by viet thanh nguyen, grove press, 2015. Fail to engage your target readers in that sense, a good blurb is anything but subjective. How the back cover of your book can sell your book. The back of a book cover is the perfect place to put this social proof. The backcover copy also functions as the primary ad for your book. Cover art serves one purpose, and one purpose only, to get potential customers interested long enough to pick up the book to read the back cover blurb.

Tips for writing a back cover that sells steuben press. Make sure you make your summary thorough so your reader knows the general subject. How to create a back of the book cover blurb that sells 1. How to write a back cover book synopsis pen and the pad. Canvas book cover maker makes designing book covers amazingly simple even for nondesigners. You already know that, in fact, everyone does judge a book by its cover.

Choose a voice for your back cover that matches your book and fuel it with emotion. This is considered a prime spot to engage readers in the book content. Here are six rules to be mindful of before you put pen to paper on your back book cover blurb. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading get it done. But it took me a while longer to figure out how to customize your front cover into a full print cover for createspace or other pod providers. If youre anything like me, you detest writing cover letters. Nov 19, 2010 you pick up a book because the cover or title looks interesting. Sample book back cover a man can never truly run away from his past, jack preacher thought, as four mysterious horsemen appeared from beyond the desert threatening to throw the quiet and dusty town of cameron into disarray. Its the essence of your books most exciting features, distilled into a few hundred words. Two of the most common mistakes that nonfiction authors make in crafting their back cover is. A blurb is the book description you find on the back of a book or online to describe a book s contents. Tips for writing the best back cover copy design for books.

Above the list, speak directly to the readers, and give them the primary reason why they should read your book. We explored the impact typography has on human emotion, cognitive recognition, and ultimate action plus, some book cover designs that excelled in the font department and why. Thats why friesenpress pays close attention to your books back cover copy. How book cover typography can enhance the book itself luckily, understanding how fonts can work in your favor is easier than you think. Work by convincing readers to take a chance on it, or. Booklogix will assist with or write the text that is placed on the back cover. Youll want it to have a design that grabs their attention and portrays an accurate idea of what your book is about. Writing a book blurb for your back cover, and other promotional uses, is one of the hardest steps for many authors. However, nonfiction authors must include an author bio as part of their back cover copy to convince readers of their authority. But the headline of your back cover should be short, simple, and actionoriented. Not only will it appear on the book itself, but youll probably use it as your amazon description. Youve done the hard work and created an amazing book.

The cover of your book is important because its the first thing a reader sees. Its briefno more than 100150 wordsand creates interest in the story without giving away major spoilers or the ending. As already noted, writing a back book blurb is a marketing exercise. Author julie broad shares 5 back cover tips that will help sell your nonfiction book on amazon and elsewhere. The back cover is like a second line of marketing if the front cover hooked them in, now the back cover has to close the sale practically, the back cover of fiction books tend to include a tagline also known as a logline or the shout line, a blurb, possibly a brief author bio, a barcode and an isbn number. Who wrote or will write your back cover copythe bit on the back of the book designed to influence browsers to buy it. She adds, waiting for testimonials is generally the reason the back cover of a galley is left blank. After writing and polishing an entire book, many authors are surprised when they become stuck when trying to write blurbs. You pick up a book because the cover or title looks interesting. If its a novel, you must include the storys most engaging plot points. Itll be easy to use, or fast to use, or itll keep your reader uptodate. Back cover copy includes the book summary and author bio. To help prevent you from falling into this unfortunate group, weve put together a few tips that should help you write a winning book blurb, whether its for the latest fantasy novel or for a nonfiction selfhelp guide. Dont just repeat your book s title on the back cover.

If you are a novelist, your back cover should provide a short summary of what your book is about. A blurb is the description of the story found on the back cover of a book. Focusing too much on the authors background, rather than how the authors. One way to write this primary reason is to present it as a question. These 50 awesome book covers will inspire you learn. Although it should give a broad overview of the story, it should never contain spoilers for the book. Nov 15, 2017 if youre writing back cover copy for books youve read, that will teach you a great deal when you approach your own back cover copy, and i love that. The space on the back cover of a book for blurbs, which are brief promotional paragraphs, is one of the more valuable spots for book promotion. How to write compelling book back cover copy amazon started offering the ability to see the back cover in early 2017, much to the joy of selfpublishers.

The back cover copy of your book is your sales pitch to prospective readers and book buyers. Back cover copy is the blurb on the back of a book. The front cover has a critical role to play, of course, but todays post is about the strategic use of the back cover. But once that reader picks up your book and flips to your back cover, this is your chance to sell your book. To accomplish this, you need to put a lot of care and attention into your back cover copy. Oct 19, 2018 back cover copy also called flap copy is the text that goes on the back cover of a book or on the back cover and flaps of a dust jacket. Oct 26, 2018 the back of a book cover is the perfect place to put this social proof. I was struggling to portray some past experience to potential recruiters. Your cover copy doesnt just tell potential readers what your book is aboutits a critical marketing tool. Summary and synopsis are also used but, in my experience, are used only in. For a nonfiction book, authors should make a bullet point list of the books main features and actually put that list on the back cover.

If the book is a hardback, it will have a book jacket. Something, ironically, every author i know hates writing. Readers will understand who wrote the book, what it is about, and what they will gain by reading it. As readers themselves, authors understand how the average person approaches buying a book see above, so they know the importance of a back cover blurb. Its not writing the book but writing the back cover text.

Traditionally, it would be found on the inside back cover of a hardback. Failure to realize the value of the back cover seems to equate with the failure to realize that the text for the finished back cover can always be changed before the printing of the book. Im a published novelist, and i participate in several writing groups and online communities. Think of your back cover copy like a movie trailer, giving enough details to. Many authors struggle with appropriately summarizing their text. However, most books on amazon have the look inside feature, allowing the potential reader to view the back of the book before ordering. The back cover of your as yet unwritten book can help you write a better book, and write it faster, too. Explanations and back book cover examples for both fiction and nonfiction. As a writer, you may love long, lyrical descriptions.

If you queried agents or editors at any point, you might be able to start with the hook from your query letter. How to write a fiction book cover blurb that can make your. Rebecca this book was a a major benefit to my postgrad job search. By emily evansmiller last week we talked about how to design a great front cover, but the dust jacket and back cover are some of the most important real estate on a book.

Finish off with a questionkeylineteaser that will leave them wondering what. Writers use the term blurb to describe the text on the back of the book. Tips for writing compelling back cover copy blogger. Create a definite, confident voice for your back cover. Your back cover copy is the biggest deciding factor for readers picking up your book for the first time.

The next thing you do is read the back blurb, or if you are online, you read the first excerpt which is usually the same thing. Testimonials are incredibly persuasive in transforming potential readers into readers. You should have the following goals and ideas in mind. For fiction, this is your opportunity to introduce characters, setting, plot, and the overarching themes of the book, usually framed around the main characters driving goal throughout the story. Nov 23, 2015 write a short summary of what your book is about.

Back cover blurbs for books tips for wrting blurbs that. Despite the old adage, people do judge a book by its cover. Writing it out fortunately for the fiction writers out there, writing a book blurb for a memoir is incredibly similar to writing a description for a fictional story. How to write successful back cover copy mascot books. Write and use an effective resume in only one day quick resume and cover letter book michael farr. Depending on your topic, your writing should emanate authority, compassion, wisdom, insight, humor, suspense, intrigue, mystery, etc. Five tips for a professional cover design authorhouse. This should be broader in scope than the reasons you put in your bulleted list. Steps to writing your own back book blurb and back cover. Make sure you make your summary thorough so your reader knows the.

If youve already made an ebook front cover using my templates, youll have to adjust the text a bit, because now you have extra margins on the top, bottom and sides. See if you can pin what works well in this description, and that would work as a killer pitch. Heres how to write backcover that will hook new readers and sell your book. Apr 28, 2016 the back cover copy you write for your book is among the most important marketing messages youll craft. Aug 23, 2012 writing killer back cover copy is crucial for authors because, like me, people who create what goes on covers and sales sheets often havent read your book. Its why ive pulled the back cover for mitch alboms the five people you meet in heaven for us to examine. Creating a book blurb, while still technically writing, is closer to a science than an art. A boring back cover text will cause the reader to lose interest and put the book back on the shelf. A blurb is a short description of a book that is written for promotional purposes. The third example shows how part of the back cover copy the author bio, in this case can show up on the inside flap of a hard cover book. Aug 26, 2019 writing back cover copy for nonfiction books is significantly different than writing back cover copy for fiction. Time to compose a book description that will capture attention and compel readers to open the book and read more.

The next thing you do is read the back blurb, or if you are online, you read the first excerpt which is. Writing your books backcover copy book edits by jessi. How your back cover copy is written depends on whether you write fiction or nonfiction. In this video, well share with you five important tips to keep in mind when submitting your ideas for the design of your cover. These readers want to know they are receiving help or education from an expert on a particular topic. Generally, 150200 words are more than enough for a full blurb. A simple outline for writing a killer book blurb ink and quills. For some of us, writing the book is easier than writing the synopsis, a brief promo piece ordread of all dreadsthe back cover copy. And while a strong front cover can capture attention, its the back cover that closes the sale. Below are a few examples of back cover copy for fiction.

Nov 18, 2016 im a published novelist, and i participate in several writing groups and online communities. Sep 12, 2018 creating a book blurb, while still technically writing, is closer to a science than an art. The bio on the back of the book cover should be the nutshell inside of the nut. Its the essence of your book s most exciting features, distilled into a few hundred words.

This article has helpful approaches to writing back cover blurbs. May 27, 2015 book promotion expert ben cameron always says writing the blurb is the hardest 100 words youll ever write, and many authors are also stumped when it comes to writing the front and back matter another task that usually falls just when youre feeling least like writing another word, after completing your books final edit. Most run several paragraphs, but some publishers want them shorter or in a special format so be sure to check with your publishers guidelines before you begin work. Our friends at bookbub carried out an ab test in which they sent group a a book description with a testimonial and group b a version without a testimonial. If you are citing a book cover, or part of a book cover, make sure to keep in mind that you are still citing a book. As paperback publishing developed, readers began seeing the blurb appearing on the back cover. How to hire the perfect cover designer for your next book. Nonfiction back cover copy for nonfiction, establishing yourself as an expert and differentiating your book from the others written about the same topic will help sell your book. What is the summary written on the cover at the back of a. Sep 05, 2017 but your back cover is what will inspire potential readers to take your book to the register. Write only a paragraph or two, and include the hooksthe storys most engaging plot points. For book cover art i would recommend looking at the publication information for some of this info, and include as much as possible. In that sense, a good blurb is anything but subjective. Aug, 2015 put the bulleted list in the middle of the copy you write for your back cover.

Its important for writers to market while they write. This book is for all the ladies who want to steer a different course. How to build the back of a book cover with template. Write a cover letter kindle edition by schifeling, jeremy. The next step is grabbing the readers interest with a tempting back cover synopsis that leaves her guessing. Books with great back cover texts usually go up in high sales. Thats why friesenpress pays close attention to your book s back cover copy. Nonfiction readers care more about who is providing the information. In the internet age that means the thumb nail image needs to be interesting enough to click on.

Back cover copy also called flap copy is the text that goes on the back cover of a book or on the back cover and flaps of a dust jacket. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Your headline can be a short phrase or a whole sentence. You also know that you have only two or three seconds to attract a potential reader with your front cover. Ill say it impossible, without examining dust jackets from successful novels, that is.

Design book covers with canvas free book cover maker. For nonfiction, establishing yourself as an expert and differentiating your book from the others written about the same. You haveat best150 to 200 words to work with, because thats all that will attractively fit on the back cover of most volumes. Introduce the situation and characters in the case of a memoir, you are likely to be the main character. This means all the focus needs to be on the reader their needs and expectations. So lets take a closer look at these five aspects of the back cover. Heres how to write back cover that will hook new readers and sell your book. Just as the packaging helps sell crackers and cereal, the cover sells the book. The easiest way to bring the art into your full print cover template, is to make the front, spine and back art unique, 1 piece layers, without the text. Writing a strategic, concise and easytoread back cover can be your key to making money as a selfpublished author. How to write a back cover for a book writing a back cover identify your audience. How do i cite descriptive copy or a quotation from a book. Make sure it sells out by creating an awesome cover design.

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